progressive family values

a blog about parenting from the left and beyond

Palin’s Daughter is Pregnant?! September 1, 2008

Filed under: blogging,Culture,motherhood,Palin,parenting,Politics — bleedingheartmama @ 7:18 pm

What kind of an example are we setting for teenagers across the world when we endorse a candidate who couldn’t seem to model the very morals and socially conservative platform that she hopes to sign into law for everyone else in the nation?  What conclusion can kids come to except, “What’s good for Bristol Palin must be good for me.”

This ticket is becoming too much like a Jerry Springer episode.


3 Responses to “Palin’s Daughter is Pregnant?!”

  1. Jonathan Says:

    I’m guessing it’s escaped the US populance’s attention that they chose the eve of this huge storm to dump their unwanted news stories…

  2. Eileen Says:

    Since enforced pregnancy seems to be a major belief of the far right I guess I’m not surprised when the family member of a true believer walks the walk. You can tell they are political outsiders though… the insiders always find loopholes for themselves while restricting the rights of others.

    I try not to criticize individual young mothers because, unlike Palin, I have a deeply held belief that women’s personal choices should be respected and should be private. From a sociological perspective, however, think it is valid to look at this as a logical outcome of the anti-choice agenda and I hope it makes people think a bit about what they really want.

    Want a nation of pregnant teens with no sex education beyond abstinence? Vote McCain/Palin!

  3. The bad news: Bristol Palin is pregnant.
    The GOOD NEWS: It was an immaculate conception!
    Should play right into the hands of the Evangelicals, aye?!
    The baby’s name will be Gustav.

    They weren’t sure if the “young man” was going to marry her, but Bush sent Dick Cheney over with a shotgun, just for a little “talk.”

    See my blog for photo.

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